Will a Heat Pump Save Money?

Is using a heat pump cheaper than other sources of heat?

Enter price in dollars.
For example 95%

Enter price in dollars. Ex. $0.10 per kWh
Seasonal energy efficiency ratio.
Heat pump specification used to calculate cooling output.
Heat pump specification used to calculate heat output.

Cooling from the heat pump will cost .

Heat from the heat pump will cost .

The heat pump is cheaper as long as the COP is larger than .

Check at which temperature the heat pump has a larger COP.

But that's per unit of heat, how much heat do I need? How much will I actually save?

This is using the same unit as selected above.
The amount of heat the building loses every hour at the design temperature. Or the amount of heat that needs to be produced every hour at the design temperature. Design temperature is the coldest temperature that will be seen for 1% of the year or 88 hours on average. 99% of the time it will be warmer than this.

Hourly Savings: $

Monthly Savings: $

Average Temperature Heating?
Temperature data is from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/swapnilbhange/average-temperature-of-cities

Number of Heating Months:

Yearly Savings: $

Cost to install heat pump.
Cost to install other heating source (ex. furnance).

After years the cost of the heat pump will break even, after that you are saving money. Will the heat pump last that long?